
As part of a project aimed at boosting the environmental sustainability of strategic and operational choices made by the Le Piramidi shopping centre, promoted with foresight by its management, it was decided to implement an organised, synergistic plan that stems precisely from improved management of sorted waste collection.

The company SORARIS SPA deals with the collection, transportation and disposal of solid urban waste and in 2020 was awarded the national prize for the best waste collection and management company by Comuni Aggregati. This prize, organised by the Italiadecide Association under the patronage of the Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration, singled out Soraris S.p.A. as a virtuous example in the industry, acknowledging its consistent focus on customer satisfaction and cost containment, and its on-going commitment to innovation underpinned by appropriate investment.

The “LE PIRAMIDI” shopping centre in fact represents a reference point for bringing together the local area and the best B2B and B2C business proposals… a large open lounge where people can meet, browse and chat. 150 stores, a large dining area to suit all tastes and a wide range of valuable services that enable shopping to be combined with opportunities for relaxation and entertainment.



The initiative stems from the desire of Soraris Spa and the Le Piramidi shopping centre to implement a process of progressive awareness raising, information and implementation of good practices aimed at improving waste management within the Shopping Centre, starting with proper waste sorting.

In fact, a survey of commodity components showed that the unsorted solid waste portion actually contained up to 80% of recyclable parts.

Based on the assumption that sorting is all the more effective the closer disposal time is to the time the waste is produced, it was decided first of all to provide each storekeeper with an individual dedicated bin of a size suited to the level of food waste production associated with the business activity carried out.



Subsequently, in order to empower users and introduce the concept of monitoring and measuring performance, the waste will be collected individually and brought to waste disposal areas where wheeled containers equipped with an access control system – operating by means of a personal card uniquely matched to individual users will be available – which will allow this specific portion of waste to be disposed of in a way that is extremely easy to use and manage.

The choice made in this case was the SMART MGB solution, developed and already applied by Mattiussi Ecologia in territorial settings where there is a “paradigm shift”, especially in situations in which it is necessary to support the transition to PAYT systems.

The operational benefit in running the equipment lies in the fact that, due to its considerable energy autonomy and ease of identification by simply presenting the individual card, there is a maximum trade-off between effectiveness, efficiency and cost containment.

At a well-attended conference organised at the Shopping Centre’s management hub, there was general agreement – right from the preliminary remarks – on the results expected from the project.

First and foremost, the awareness of the storekeepers of the specific issue, towards which they demonstrated sensitivity, attention and willingness to take pro-active action towards improvement. 

Constant and specific raising of awareness of the issue, therefore starts out from a good grounding in civic education and a modern consideration of sustainability and environmental issues.

Secondly, the fact of the manager being perceived as a living, pro-active stakeholder in the Shopping Centre’s activities and the services it provides was expressed in an excellent manner in the presentations given and in the various communication channels made available.

The management of food waste will therefore be provided through design elements that are pleasing to use and to look at, which each storekeeper will be able to operate safely, cleanly and decorously inside their point of sale. 

The same elements will be recognisable and provide inspiration for good practice when storekeepers roll the innovative design bins or easy-to-handle containers, like a trolley case, from their stores to the disposal areas.

The final result of the project will therefore be to “extrapolate” the main residual recyclable portion from solid non-sorted waste, returning food waste to the channels able to make best use of it, thereby eliminating the diseconomies associated with its presence in generic waste bags.

This action will be a prelude to the separation of the rest of the recyclable portions (mainly paper and plastic), which will take place through the implementation of a broader system of control, using the same cards supplied for SMART MGBs as a means of user identification.


For more information feel free to contact us.